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Last updated: 19/05/2021 22:44:09

The New Azimap Interface


This guide gives an overview of the new Azimap user interface.



1.       Dashboard Screen

2.       Maps Tab

3.       Imports

4.       Search Function

5.       Data Catalogue Tab

6.       Datasets

7.       Admin Screens

8.       Map View

9.       Mobile UI Improvements    

10.   Security Improvements

11.   Analysis Menu

12.   Routing and Drive Times Menu



Dashboard Screen

Azimap has a new ‘easy access’ dashboard instead of the old home screen.  This gives the user easy access to the most recent data, maps and layers in their account and easy access to some help files.


Maps Tab

Quick actions

The user can now take a number of quick actions on any of their pre-existing maps – they can easily make small changes or go into advanced actions and with a user-friendly presentation.

By pressing the EDIT button next to the map on choice, the user can quickly:

·         Edit name and description

·         Change privacy

·         Duplicate map

·         Delete map

·         Choose to edit full configuration

Advanced privacy settings

The privacy settings now include an option to have a timed public link/share with expiration button. This means the user can share a map with one person more safely and allows for better security than the completely public option.  Please note that a timed link can be shared with anyone, so the link


Apply bulk functions

The new interface allows the user to apply bulk functions to maps or make multi-edits by selecting many maps.  Simply hover over the map icon and press the tick box to select the map you want to apply the bulk edit to.

Streamlined map creation process

The new streamlined map creation process is designed to guide the user to go through the correct process when creating a new map.

It offers a:

a.       Streamlined process for creating maps

b.       Easy adding of new/existing layers or datasets to the map

c.       Preview of maps before creation

d.       Guide for the user to selecting configurations for their map


·         Failed imports will have better feedback messages 

·         Importing layers will be marked in yellow 


Search Function

The new search function is optimised for better search results. 

Data  Tab

There are a series of new and improved features of the Data Catalogue tab.  These include:

·         Improved speed and layout

·         Improved search function

·         Improved layer types

By clicking on CREATE OR CONNECT NEW DATASETS WITH AZIMAP when creating a new dataset, the user will be able to select from a range of improved layer types.  These include:

ü  Azimap 

Allows the user to create data tables within Azimap (image above is wrong) 

ü  Data Library

The user can connect to curated public datasets

ü  Layer Groups

Merge multiple Azimap layers of the same projection into one for display purposes

ü  External WMS

Allows the user to link to OGC Web Map Services external to Azimap

ü  ArcGIS Rest

Link to ArcGIS Rest map servers

ü  Map Genie (Cached)

Allows the user to link to OSi (Ireland) MapGenie Cached tile service (ArcGIS Rest Cached)

ü  Map Genie (Rest)

Allows the user to link to OSi (Ireland) MapGenie Rest service (ArcGIS Rest)

·         New quick edit menu

Allows the user to quickly edit a layer’s name and description, delete the layer, or to quickly access the full configuration menu.

·         New apply an attribute at layer level

Attribution can now be applied at layer level instead of at just map level as with the old Azimap. 

When the dataset is added to a map the attribution will be applied to the map layer, they can then be amended on a map by map basis.


In the new Azimap, the following accounts can create the following datasets:


·         Pro and Enterprise accounts can do all of the above plus CONNECT TO EXTERNAL DATABASES

Admin Screens

A number of changes to the admin screens mean they are now:

·         Visually updated

·         More unified look-wise

·         Friendly URLs

Map View

There have been a series of major improvements of the following tools within the map view:

·         New bookmark button which allows you to save a location.  This feature is available to any user whether logged in or not. If the user isn’t logged in, it saves to their browser (and so will disappear if cache is cleared). Bookmarks are also sharable.

·         Improved toolbar design has been streamlined and categorised.

·         New walk-time polygons have been added (these are based off open data).

·         New walking-based routing 

·         Legend control has been moved to the bottom right corner

·         Buffer tool has been opened up to export data within a polygon. This is an easy way to use polygon analysis.

·         New – generate excel report of data intersecting selected polygon feature 

·         New – generate excel report of data intersecting user generated “lasso” polygon 

·         Significant speed improvements make load times faster for users.   Improved load times of 50%+ across the board.

Mobile UI Improvements

Everything on Azimap will work better on mobile and is more user-friendly.

Security Improvements

Azimap is now more locked down with more refined security processes.

Analysis Menu



The ANALYSIS button brings you to the beginning of an analysis wizard, where all analysis options are displayed in a user-friendly format, including:

·         Spatial analysis

·         Quick analysis

·         Chart analysis

·         Data analysis

·         Advanced data analysis

·         Join data

·         Column search


a.     Spatial Analysis

Click on the SPATIAL ANALYSIS button in the new menu.

Using this menu, you can perform spatial analysis on your data.  Analysis can be run against selected features, freehand or layers.  Advanced users can also write SQL syntax queries.  All the normal spatial analysis functions will appear under this sub-menu, including:

·         Intersects

·         Buffer

·         Touches

·         Within

·         Contains

·         Overlaps

Related Azimap guides:

How to Analyse Your Data Using the Spatial Analysis Tool - https://docs.azimap.com/SelKb?id=5

b.     Quick Analysis

You have a number of further choices when you click into the QUICK ANALYSIS option.  One option that has been enhanced is the FREEHAND INTERSECT option.

                                                               i.      Freehand Feature Analysis

FREEHAND INTERSECT, otherwise known as FREEHAND FEATURE ANALYSIS select is found under the Quick Analysis menu, as below.

The Freehand Intersect feature is not a new one but it has been upgraded so it now shows up a report.

Each quick analysis can be saved and/or the results exported into Excel or CSV.

c.      Charts Analysis


CHARTS ANALYSIS feature on Azimap is a brand-new feature comprising of the following:

·         Row Count

·         Custom X & Y

·         Time Series

More information is provided on each of these charts below.

                                                               i.      Row count


The ROW COUNT allows you to count how many fields are in a dataset.  We are using a set of UK election data for this example.  The window on the right of the screen shows what information needs to be inputted and how to generate the chart.



In this example, the bar chart we generated has counted the number of constituencies in each area.


                                                             ii.      Custom X & Y

With a CUSTOM X & Y chart, you can customise your own charts and perform basic statistical analysis e.g. – max., min., mean, median, mode, SD, etc. 

o   Y – Can only numbers

o   X – Can be numbers or strings



In this example, we’re using the same election data to create a custom X & Y chart.

In the window on the right, you can see what information needs to be inputted and how to generate the chart.

The above chart has been produced and can be exported as PDF or a PNG.

                                                           iii.      Time Series

For a TIME SERIES chart, you can select a date/datetime columns for the X-axis, as well as up to 5 numeric fields for the Y-axis.

X – has to be a date

Y – has to be a number

d.     Data Analysis

The DATA ANALYSIS function used to be referred to as the ‘Attribute Search’ and is now also known as the ‘Attribute Analysis’.

This function is now found under the Analysis menu but largely does the same thing.  See screen shot below for the free text search box on the right, that can be used to search for text within the attributes on a given layer.


e.     Advanced Data Analysis

The ADVANCED DATA ANALYSIS function is changing slightly as you can now build advanced data queries on your data and apply to multiple layers.


f.       Join Data

The JOIN DATA function is now also grouped under the Analysis menu.  This function also allows you to link two datasets that share a common attribute or column. 

Related Azimap guides:

How to Join Two Layers - https://docs.azimap.com/SelKb?id=31

g.     Column Search

The COLUMN SEARCH function can also be found under the Analysis menu but its functionality hasn’t changed.  See screen shot below for the free text search box on the right, that can be used to search for text within the columns on a given layer.



Routing and Drive Times Menu


The ROUTING AND DRIVE TIMES function has a new menu.  The new menu looks good and is more user-friendly, however most functions on this remain unchanged compared to the last interface. 

Related Azimap guides:

How to Calculate Drive-Time Polygons - https://docs.azimap.com/SelKb?id=7

How to Use Route Planning - https://docs.azimap.com/SelKb?id=4