Azimap Data Joins allow for four types of JOIN. These are:
Left Join
This query will return all of the records in the left table (table A) regardless if any of those records have a match in the right table (table B). It will also return any matching records from the right table.
Inner Join
This is the simplest, most understood Join and is the most common. This query will return all of the records in the left table (table A) that have a matching record in the right table (table B).
Right Join
This query will return all of the records in the right table (table B) regardless if any of those records have a match in the left table (table A). It will also return any matching records from the left table.
Outer Join
This Join can also be referred to as a FULL OUTER JOIN
. This query will return all of the records from both tables, joining records from the left table (table A) that match records from the right table (table B).
CL Moffat @ CodeProject