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Last updated: 04/11/2020 10:53:41

CSV for Geocoding Addresses

We require your CSV to be formatted to enable us to correctly geocode your address data.  This guide will take you through how to do that.

Time to complete:  5 mins

To effectively geocode your address data, there is only one required column:

  • address

Columns we take into account:

  • postcode or zipcode
  • city
  • state
  • county
  • country

NB.  Whatever field you want Azimap to use for mapping your points, whether it’s postcode, first line of address, etc. ensure that field is labelled ADDRESS. Azimap won’t pick up your address data without an ADDRESS field.

CSV files should be saved in UTF-8 encoding.  To do this, simply open your document and select ‘save as’, choosing the 'CSV UTF-8' option as highlighted in the screen shot below:

All other columns will be imported as normal.