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Last updated: 15/02/2021 16:32:55

Import Your Data Onto a New Layer

This guide will take you through the steps to take to successfully import your data onto a new layer, to set on a new or existing map.

Time to complete:  15 mins


1.    Getting started

2.    Choosing a layer type

3.    Importing your data/layer

3.1  Preparing your attachment for import

3.1.1    Configuring your import

3.1.2    Choosing the EPSG

3.1.3    Re-naming your file

3.1.4    Removing files or layers

3.1.5    Final import of files or layers

3.2  Adding your new layers to a map

3.2.1    Place your new layer on new map

3.2.2    Place your new layer on an existing map

1          Getting started

To get started, click on the CREATE DATASET button under the DATA CATALOGUE section.

2          Choosing a layer type

This will open the CREATE DATASETS wizard.  Select the layer type that you would like to create and click NEXT to continue.

Not sure which type of layer you need to create?  It really depends on the geographical data that you possess. Select:

1. Create or Connect New Datasets With Azimap

Within this option there are a number of sub-options:

                    Azimap Allows the user to create data tables within Azimap

                    Data Library - The user can connect to curated public datasets

                    Layer Groups - Merge multiple Azimap layers of the same projection into one for display purposes

                    External WMS - Allows the user to link to OGC Web Map Services external to Azimap

                    ArcGIS Rest - Link to ArcGIS Rest map servers

                    Map Genie (Cached) - Allows the user to link to OSi (Ireland) MapGenie Cached tile service (ArcGIS Rest Cached)

                    Map Genie (Rest) - Allows the user to link to OSi (Ireland) MapGenie Rest service (ArcGIS Rest)

        2. Import Datasets – Choose this option if you have locational information for your data, such as coordinates or latitudes/longitudes.

        3. Convert Address Data to Spatial Data – Pick this option if you have ordinary address information such first line of address or postcodes.

        4. Connect to External Databases or Mapping Engines – Choose this if you want your map to feed from a live data stream, and your database will be hosted on a SQL server.

3          Importing your data/layer

If you select either of the IMPORT DATASETS or CONVERT ADDRESS DATA TO SPATIAL DATA options, the next screen the wizard will bring you to will be one where you can upload your files, as seen below. Files can either be dragged and dropped into the box or you can click the box and select the file or files you wish to import using your computer's file browser.  

Compatible file types include:

·         Shape files

·         CSV files

·         TAB files

·         KML files

·         GeoTIFF files

Note: It is possible to import multiple files and file types at any one time.  Simply, drag or select all the layers you wish to import and they will appear one by one in the IMPORT DATASETS window below.

3.1  Preparing your attachment for import

3.1.1 Configuring your import

Does your import need configuration?

When certain file types are imported, such as Shape files, all the processing of the layer is handled automatically by Azimap with no configuration required.  This can be seen in the example below.

However, certain file types, such as KML or TAB files, may require some additional configuration before they can be imported.  As seen below, when a file is imported that requires configuration, under OPTION you will notice a new button, CONFIGURE.

Choosing the correct ‘Feature Type’

If you click on the CONFIGURE button, a pop-up window will open.  This will ask you to select the FEATURE TYPE for the Layer(s) you are importing.  

When to choose a point, a line or a polygon?

Point – Choose this option if you want your data represented as a single point on a map, e.g. no. of new cars by location.

Line – Line data is used to represent linear features such as rivers, trails, or streets.

Polygon – Polygons are used to represent boundaries, for example cities or counties.

Once you have selected the FEATURE TYPE, click the CLOSE button to confirm the change.

3.1.2       Choosing the EPSG

When uploading files into Azimap, it’s possible (and may even be necessary) to alter the Map Display Projection/EPSG before importing your layer(s).  In some situations, Azimap isn’t able to detect the EPSG for your data and you’ll need to enter it manually.

To do this, you need to click on the EPSG next to the name of the layer you wish to alter.  This will open a new pop-up window.  To search for a new EPSG/Map Display Projection, you simply need to enter the projection number into the search box and select the correct projection from the drop-down list.  This will confirm the change.  N.B. Once imported, it will not be possible to change the Map Display Projection/EPSG for your layer.

If you’re unsure which projection to enter, some of the more common projections you could try are:

·         EPSG:4326 - WGS 84, latitude/longitude coordinate system based on the Earth's centre of mass, used by the Global Positioning System among others.

·         EPSG:3857 - Web Mercator projection used for display by many web-based mapping tools, including Google Maps and OpenStreetMap.

·         EPSG: 27700 - UK projected co-ordinate system.

3.1.3       Re-naming your file

The name of any files you upload to Azimap can also be changed before they’re imported.  To do this, you need to click in the NAME box and type in a new name for the layer you would like to import.  Any name changes you make will appear in the data catalogue once the layer has been imported.

3.1.4     Removing files or layers

If you upload the wrong file into the IMPORT LAYER window, you can remove it before importing by clicking on the button under ACTIONS next to the layer you wish to delete.  Alternatively, if you wish to remove all the layers you have uploaded into the LAYER IMPORT window, simply click on the RESET button to remove all the layers.

3.1.5     Final import of files or layers

When you’re happy with the configuration of your layer(s), press the IMPORT button.  This will start the conversion process to turn the files into usable layers.

3.2 Adding your new layers to a map

Once the conversion process is complete, you will be presented with the pop-up below.  You can now choose from two options for your imported layer:

3.2.1      Place your new layer on new map

To place a layer on a new map, simply enter a name for the new map you wish to create and click the YES button.  This will take you straight to your new map with your imported layer(s) visible on it.  Your imported layer(s) will now appear in the Layer Portal and your new map will appear in the Map Portal.

3.2.2       Place your new layer on an existing map

If you wish to just import you layer(s) and not place them on a new map, simply click the NO button.  This will close the pop-up and your imported layer(s) will now appear in the Layer Portal.  

You will now be able to place your imported layer(s) on to any of your existing Maps.  

For further information on how to do this, please refer to the Select Map Layers section of the user guide.

If you haven't signed up yet go to the Azimap website and click REGISTER.