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Last updated: 02/06/2021 11:35:17

Create a Picture Map

Use Azimap to create a picture map of all the wonderful attractions in your town!

In this guide we’ll show you how to create a new map and layer in Azimap and upload/attach images to plotted locations to create a picture map.  We’ll use a working example and create a tourist map of Edinburgh. Our final sample  Edinburgh Tourist Map.

Images used in tutorial available at: images.zip

Time to complete: 20 mins. (depending on data being captured)


1.    Getting started

1.1  Create a new map

1.2  Add a new layer to your map

1.3  Add an attribute

2.    Configure the pop-up

3.    Create your attractions

3.1  Draw your first attraction

3.2  Add images to attractions

3.3  Repeat steps 3.1 and 3.2 for each attraction

1.    Getting started

1.1.  Create a new map

Click on MAPS section and click CREATE NEW MAP.

This will take you to the new map wizard where you can name your new map and press NEXT.

1.2.  Add a new layer to you map

Create new layer and add to the map

The next step in the wizard is to add a layer/dataset to your map.

There are a few options at this stage.  You can select CREATE LAYER which will allow you to import a new layer/dataset onto your map. You can also choose an existing layer from the list below.  You can also choose to create an empty map. 

In this instance, press CREATE LAYER.

You will get the below pop-up message.  Select YES,GO!


In the next stage, the wizard will ask you 'What type of dataset do you want to create/add?'.

Select the AZIMAP option.

Give your new layer a name - perhaps 'touristlayer'.

Optional settings are:

  • Description
  • Layer Type (defaults to Azimap DB Layer - allows for connecting External WMS, ArcGIS Cache/ Rest services
  • Coordinate System ID - Default is fine, however if you want you can search for your local projection system (British grid for Edinburgh)
  • Choose a layer type: Point, line, polygon - default is the point which is correct for this map
  • Set map Read Only or Read/ Write - Default Read/Write
  • Active - make layer usable on creation - Default true
  • Apply default style to the layer - for this tutorial the 'default 'point' style is fine


1.3.  Add an attribute

After saving the ADD ATTRIBUTE button should appear, please click it.

·         Give your attribute a name - 'Attraction' would be appropriate in this case.

·         Set it to type 'text'.

·         Max length to be left blank.

·         Attribute editable left at default true.

·         Attribute required left at default false (if set to true this will insist that this field is entered before a user can save a feature).

·         Click ADD to add the new table entry - this will create the new column in your database table.

·         Click SAVE/UPDATE and close the layer config screen.

2.    Configure the popup

Click on the gears  symbol  on the layer tree view and select the layer config. option. 

The dropdown includes options for:

  • Zoom to current layer 

  • Create new/ import layer 

  • Add existing layer 
  • Change map layer config. 
  • Change layer definition 
  • Delete layer from map 

Click the CONFIGURE HOVER/CLICK POP-UPS button to edit click hover attributes.

A full explanation of this window can be found in the manual.

Deselect all click options except the ATTRACTION click.

Click OK and SAVE.

3.    Create your attractions

3.1.  Draw your first attraction

Utilise the search address box in the top left to find your location, for us its ‘Arthur’s Seat, Edinburgh’.

Use the draw points (four crosses) tool to place a feature.

After placing the point, a side panel will come in to allow you to enter attribute details.

Enter your data and click SAVE.

3.2.  Attach images to attractions

Select the just drawn feature using the select tool.

After you select Arthur’s Seat, click the camera  to attach images.  You can drag and drop images into the side panel.

Click UPLOAD to attach the images (you can use the images from the file you downloaded at the start).

Images can be removed after upload using the delete button in each image.

Click on the feature to view the attached images in the popup.

Images can be clicked for a lightbox view of the images.

3.3.  Repeat steps 3.1 and 3.2 for each attraction

Thanks for reading the guide! Now you can go add some pictures to your maps.

If you haven't signed up yet go to the Azimap website and click REGISTER.

An example of our map as created with this tutorial is available at Edinburgh Tourist Map